Looking back at 2013 and ahead at 2014


Just a few highlights from 2013:

My oldest graduated high school and started her first year at university where she is majoring in psychology.
She purchased her first vehicle( a truck she calls Stevie) and finally got her driving licence.

Transformation: my body thru weight loss and exercise. I’m closer to my high school weight than I have been in almost 20 years.
My husband tells me I look better today then I did when he first met me.
I’m not done yet and I have my own personal goals yet to accomplish this year too.

Broken bones: a skateboarding injury that chipped bones in an elbow and a broken wrist.

Moving this blog from our old home at “blogger” and switching to WordPress-even though I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like to lately, I love this blog so much! I have met some pretty awesome people and made true friends.
I am excited to see where our adventures will take us in 2014.

Sharing one of my favourite places with some of my favourite people.
We had a chance to take our little ones to California. We spent three days at Disneyland, visited sea world and took the kids to one of my favourite places, the beach. They played in the sand and jumped over waves.

So many other little and big things happened over the past 12 months, and it all went by so quickly. Life seems to be moving faster and faster the older these kids get!

With 2014 here I thought I would take a page from the book of Mandy Chiappini at A A Sorta Fairytale and choose a personal word for the upcoming year.

For 2014, I have chosen the word:
I feel like this is a pretty good word to keep on my mind and heart at all times. Along with the word, I’ve chosen the following verse:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

What about you? If you could choose a word or a goal to help you through the upcoming year what would it be?

23 thoughts on “Looking back at 2013 and ahead at 2014

  1. You really did a LOT Last year! Congrats on your weight loss strides – that sounds amazing! congrats on moving to WP oo. That is a big decision and undertaking – your blog looks great!


  2. What a great year! Sounds almost like mine! I had one start driving, I switched to WP, we went to Disney. Good luck on your weight loss – I’m hoping to have that luck this year. Hope you have another great year this year with everything!


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