
A friend slips off of an icy roof while working on a 35 foot house crashing into a brick retaining wall.
fracturing his tibia and his Fibia plus bones in his ankle.
Laceration on his elbow requiring stitches plus a swollen diaphragm and Lung.
Not at all how he expected his Saturday to play out.

Another friend’s husband had a heart attack. 100% blockage in his left ventricle requiring emergency surgery to place an shunt.
He’s home now resting comfortably in hospital.
I’m sure she never in a million Years saw that coming.

All while we scurry about taking the kids to swimming lessons and birthday parties.
Munching quietly on kernels of buttery popcorn the action on the screen Lulls us into entertainment bliss.

Two different people.
Two different events thousands of miles apart.
The same day.

Both serving a reminder to me.
One that has been bouncing around my brain for days.

Life is short and we never know what’s around the next corner.
We put off using the fancy dishes and burning the nice candles.
We waste our time worrying about people and places and things that aren’t worth worrying about.
We bury our noses into electronic babysitters frittering away time instead of watching the sun set in the evening sky.
The moon rise and we hardly even notice.
We miss feeling the crispness in the air kids our cheeks and we fight the while the silence that tries to envelops us.

Why is that?

39 thoughts on “Why?

  1. I think it’s Satan’s plan to keep us North Americans busy and not really doing what we should be doing or giving thought to the things that really matter. My friend says that being BUSY is “Being Under Satan’s Yoke.” 🙂


  2. We are always saving things for “the right time” or “a rainy day” or “a better day”. Today is that day. Then on a rainy day, we can pull out the paper plates and order pizza, and drink our juice out of plastic cups. That will make a memory too. I’ve lost a lot of family members, and I try to make these memories as they come!


  3. Wonderful post! I am currently recovering from spinal surgery. I ruptured a disc in my lower back after I fell while our family was out hiking. As I have been stuck in bed recovering, I have been thinking a lot about how life can change in the blink of an eye and how I need to make the most of each day.


  4. Great post! So many things happen daily to everyone. Lots of love and lost, lots of mental and physical changes. So many take life for granted until that life isn’t there anymore. After my heart surgery in 2012, and losing both of my parents, my mom recently on Dec. 18th, 2013, I realize how quick life can take us, and each day is a new day, new memories, and new adventures.


  5. Thank you for sharing. My family has had so many accidents and diagnoses that I no longer take little things for granted. You definitely have to make the most of life while you still can, you don’t know when something will happen or change.


  6. The older I get, the faster time flies. I lost my Mom unexpectedly 4 years ago this March. She taught me one last lesson with her premature departure. Not being able to say goodbye, missing her everyday, her grandchildren not being able to meet her…all remind me to really be in the moment. Enjoy each other, be kind, do the things you want to do…before the chance to is gone.


  7. It’s just like the bible says, “life is like a vapor” – Here today and then it’s gone. You never know what tomorrow will bring. I think we always need to live life to the fullest as if tomorrow will not come. Never let a day pass w/out telling those you love how you feel.


  8. Losing loved ones and watching the world change so quickly has definitely impacted my life. I cherish what I have and am thankful that I was given another day to continue on this wonderful journey call life. One biggy I do is I NEVER leave of stop talking on a phone to a loved one without telling them I LOVE YOU! If something happens to me I want them to always remember those words.


  9. It’s something we have to keep reminding ourselves, isn’t it? I think some parts of life I appreciate fully in the moment (my kids), but other things will sometimes give me pause only on occasion. I appreciate this moment to reflect and re-prioritize.


  10. Live your life to the fullest everyday.I am a nurse and have seen lives change in an instant. It has put a new perspective on my view of life. I try to spend as much time with my family as I possibly can. I lost my father 5 years ago, way too soon. It really taught me a lesson.


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