sharing the Good News!

I didn’t grow up in church.

I spent most of my Sunday mornings growing up with a bowl full of sugary cereal glued to the tv watching cartoons.

Easter had always been about the chocolate bunnies, the brightly coloured eggs and getting a new dress to proudly wear to church on Easter Sunday. ( we were Christmas and Easter Christians but that’s a story for another time.)

I’ve changed a lot since Those days long ago. (still like a bowl of captain crunch though…shh! Don’t tell!) Continue reading

He Came To Get Messy

Do you ever feel that God is nowhere near and can’t understand your pain? 
Over 2000 years ago, Jesus, God’s Son, came into the world, not as royalty but as a baby born in a stable full of muck and animals. In this video Tommy reminds us with powerful imagery of the sacrifice that Jesus made by humbling himself to become one of us. It was a dirty job and he didn’t have to do it…but the world is changed because he did.

Why did Jesus eat with sinners?
Because that’s what a Savior does….that’s what my Savior did for me.  Christmas is right upon us and it’s easy to get caught up in presents and food.
But it’s so much more than that… 
